Blog Page 30
15th December 2020
Replica Bosch Coil
I fitted a Valeo coil to the 33 some time ago as the original Bosch wasn't giving fabulous readings. The Valeo has performed great and was cheap to buy, with the only downside being that it didn't look original.
I couldn't find a good original type coil and so decided to convert the Valeo into a Bosch replica with the help of a can of Plastikote BBQ paint and a 'fake' Bosch sticker from Italian Ebay. The black plastic cap is off my original Bosch and was mildly modified to fit the Valeo.
I'm pleased with the result and just need a warmish day to put it back into the car.

4th December 2020
Token Post
I found this Italian Agip car wash token on a French collectables website and couldn't resist. The plan is to pop it in the Alfa 33's ashtray along with an old 200 Lire coin to add a little period Italian flavour.

2nd November 2020
Vintage Voltage
I needed to get hold of a new battery charger. Why buy a mini brand new one when you could have a 30+ year old vintage one?
I really fancied a new old stock serious looking 'Bradex Eight' that I saw on Ebay and used to see in the early 90s Argos catalogue motoring pages, but got massively outbid by a few other nostalgic nutters.
I then saw an old Sparkrite charger at a great price and snapped it up. It's a strange wedge of a thing, and I don't actually remember them in period, but it's nice enough and it works a treat.

26th October 2020
Fiat Sticker quick fix
The Paraflu coolant expansion bottle sticker on my Fiat Grande Punto has been wonky and bothering me for almost 12 years.
Today I used a little inclination and PrittStick to finally right a wrong.

19th October 2020
Alfa GT exhaust
Mrs MG's Alfa GT original exhaust back box has looked like it's come off the sea bed since we bought the car used in 2015, but being a dual core affair the inner had actually lasted 12 years and had only just started to blow very slightly.
I discovered that the non original mid section had started blow too and so set about replacing both sections ready for the nearly due MOT test.
Back boxes seemed to be in short supply but I managed to find reasonable quality Italian made MTS parts on Ebay and at a pretty good price.
Fitting was fairly straightforward as the mid to front joint was a flange type with bolts and the heavily rusted mid to rear joint was chopped through with an angle grinder and air chisel.
Rear box positioning was quite critical and I discovered that on first fit the back box knocked the underside so had to slide underneath again to move it back an inch.

12th October 2020
A bottle of fine vintage - UNOPENED 1990 AGIP SINT NUOVO 2000!
As a lover of all things Italian, motoring nostalgia and motor oil, it's no surprise that I love anything with an Agip sticker on it and their famous six legged dog logo.
The original Agip Sint semi-synthetic oil dates back to the 1970s, but about 30 years ago was updated to Nouvo/ New Sint 2000.
My 1993 Alfa has Nuovo Sint (in 10w 40 form) as the recommended engine oil in it's handbook and on an under bonnet service label and so I wondered if you could still get it. You can still buy the latest version from Europe or specialist UK importers (as it's favoured in many older Ferrari), but it's now called 'I-Sint' and under the brand of 'ENI' that has been Agip's parent comapny for some years.
I decided that it would be nice to try and find a period correct early 90s Agip Nuovo Sint 2000 bottle to go with the car.
I could not find a single empty bottle advertised for sale, in the World, but low and behold there was a 30 year old full bottle on offer on It was stupendously expensive, but someone had to buy it, and it's a really nice thing to have.
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